Mexican Fields, The Best Lands For Agricultural Production

The agricultural sector in Mexico has been important to the country’s economy throughout its history. Mexico is one of the cradles of human agriculture, with ancient civilizations developing plants such as tomatoes, corn, avocados, peppers, beans, and much more.

One of the main reasons Mexican fields are fertile and fruitful is their soil quality.

Fertile soil contains key nutrients in produce nutrition. For example, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and zinc are found in Mexico’s nutritious soil.

About fifteen percent of the land in Mexico is dedicated to agricultural groups. The diverse climate in the country also creates a great variety of produce depending on the region. The variety of exotic fruits, spices and vegetables, makes Mexican food a staple in the culinary world.

Some of the states in Mexico are known for their agricultural knowledge and excellence.

Jalisco, Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Sonora are the biggest agricultural producers and distributors in Mexican markets and international businesses.

Farmers produce many different types of vegetables like summer and winter squash; cucumbers; all kinds of peppers of high and medium heat; and famous worldwide tomatoes, often used as a side dish and are native to Mexico. Also, fruits in Mexico, for example lemons, are used as a complement or even as something sweet like an ice cream flavor. 

There is usually a correlation between the climatic conditions in Mexico and the production of Mexican fruits and vegetables.

Mexican agriculture techniques combined with climate are one of the main reasons Mexican produce is the most exported internationally. Agriculture in Sonora, where the climate is dry, leans on advanced irrigation systems to assure crops survival and plant growth.

According to the INEGI, 26 of 30 soil groups are present in Mexico. Sonora’s land is mainly composed of two specific types of fertile soils, Calcisols, and Vertisols.

Vertisols and calcisols are found in semiarid zones with hot, dry summers and cold, wet winters. Vertisols have a high clay content, which makes them highly fertile. On the other hand, if irrigated, drained, and fertilized, Calcisols become a highly productive soil, perfect for growing root vegetables and food for cattle.

The agricultural development in Mexico over the past decades led to high demand for the most fertile soils having a good structure and a high nutrient and organic content.

This can be observed in the rise of these soils in the agricultural landscape. Mexican agriculture keeps being one of the most important practices in the world. Through the years of care for Mexican crops from agricultural families, we learn the beauty of treating the land until it becomes rich soil.

Strategically placed in the Sonora Valleys, our fresh produce is the ultimate outcome of years of family work in agriculture. Produce from Sonora is the result of our experience, which allowed us to deliver fresh produce to grocery stores, restaurants, and businesses throughout the United States and Canada.

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